⌂ 1519 E Boulder, Colorado Springs CO 80909
✉ terraessentials@gmail.com ✆ 719.235.7872

Why do we Need a Print Directory?

2013TECoverLocal healthcare requires a wide-range of health, healing and wellness practitioners.  It does not matter if you call them Alternative, Complementary, Holistic, Integrative or Western healthcare providers.  These professionals must all work together to change the collective body, mind and spirit of the community where they reside.

To create a thriving environment, these practitioners have to work in conjunction with trainers, farmers, and environmentalists as well as artisans, musicians, authors and business professionals who can inspire the populous to go beyond “that which has been done before” belief.

Terra Essentials’ belief is the health of any community is directly proportional to the health of each individual citizen.  If we make finding healthcare practitioners more accessible, then we provide an avenue to improving the health of our friends, family, and community.  From that, we can work to improve the health of our region.

Terra Essentials